
Stock code300604
Service & Complaint Hotline
Solution Consultation

We evaluate and then recommend cost-effective equipment models and configurations that better fit your usage scenario according to your testing requirements, and our professional team develop customized solutions for you. We also provide verification and evaluation services for your samples.

After-sale Service & Support
Application Engineering Development Service

Engineering Development

Our application engineers will work closely with your team to customize a professional and efficient test programming solution for the whole process from design to mass production.

Test Interface Hardware Development

We provide design and development services of interface hardware like loadboards, burn-in boards (BIB), and Probercard that can be used in various test processes like final tests (FT), chip probing (CP), and burn-in tests.


For the purpose of your better use of our products, we have designed and developed comprehensive and systematic training courses, and we will promptly respond to your needs for basic to advanced trainings, helping you to quickly improve professional skills related to IC testing.

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